
С2 Ответственность за свое здоровье. Должны ли люди застраховывать себя. Ваше мнение

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In the USSR almost all medical care was guaranteed by the state and was free of charge. Nowadays only a small part of it is cov¬ered by state insurance. In other cases people have to pay for their medical expenses or to buy private health insurance. Is it right?
In my opinion, the government should have overall responsi¬bility for people's health. Firstly, those people who work pay enough taxes for the government to ensure sufficient health care for everybody and the authorities should provide money to keep medical service at a proper level. In addition, disabled people who do not work and have no money to pay for their treatment should not be underprivileged. Finally, medications are getting more and more expensive that is why not all people can afford to pay for the required medical care.
However, there are people who think private health insurance will provide better health care than state insurance. I think the quality of health care does not depend on who pays for your expenses but depends on the development of medicine in the coun¬try. What is more, private insurance companies may go bankrupt and people will not get any medical help at all.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that in a democratic society everybody should have the right to health insurance. Of course, people ought to be responsible for their health and avoid bad hab¬its or do sports; But if they need medical help, the government must provide them with proper treatment and medications.


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