
Молодежь. Наши дедушки и бабушки говорят,что их жизнь была более интересная. Но современная молодежь уверена,что сейчас жизнь на много лучше. Ваше мнение

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There is no doubt that the present way of life differs much from the one people had in the past. However, while young people appreciate the advantages of the modern lifestyle, it is often crit-icized by older people.
In my opinion, nowadays young people are offered many more life opportunities than in the past To begin with, due to technological progress teenagers can travel around the world and expand their outlook. In addition, the Internet allows talented people to show their achievements and to find a job in any part of the world. What is more, new technology has made our everyday lives easier therefore we can spend more time on our education and leisure activities.
However, our grandparents think young people today are in greater danger because of drugs, new viruses and violence. I would not say that because nowadays teenagers are aware of the bad ef-fects of drug addiction and take care of their health. Besides, most dangerous diseases can now be cured whereas in the past people died of incurable illnesses. As for violence, crime has always ex-isted in the world but today we have better ways of protection.
In conclusion, I want to say that the old days were not as good as some people think they were. Of course, we still have lots of problems but, nevertheless, I find modern way of life more attrac¬tive as it allows me to make the most of my abilities.


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