
Автомобили. За и против

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There is no doubt that the invention of the car completely changed the way people thought about travelling causing the de-velopment of many other means of transport. However, the draw-backs of cars make people think that we should stop using them.
In my opinion, cars are necessary in today's world. To begin with, they help us transport goods to places that cannot be reached by other means of transport. In addition, cars are the main way of transportation for people who live far from their workplaces, especially now when public transport is frequently lacking. It is even more difficult to use public transport if you have children with you or heavy goods to carry. Finally, cars are the best way of travelling because you need not buy tickets and you can stop wherever you like.
Nevertheless, cars are often criticised because they cause air pollution. Another argument against using cars is that people are turning into legless creatures and inactivity leads to serious diseas¬es. I cannot agree with these views because nowadays all cars are to be equipped with special control systems to reduce their ex¬haust fumes and new environmentally friendly cars are being de¬veloped. Moreover, with cars, people have better opportunities to reach sports facilities and therefore spend more time doing sports.
To sum up, I would argue that although cars have certain dis¬advantages people would not be able to survive without them. However, I believe that we should improve cars to lower their harmful influence on people's health.


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