

[ Назад ]

Ukraine is a new spyer,eij>n state in Europe, which got its independence in August 1991. It has its own territory, higher and local bodies of state power and government, state flag, national emblem.

Kiev isXcapital of Ukraine. The territory of Ukraine is over 603 thousand square kilometers. Its population is about 50 million. There are 24 administrative regions and the CrrrrTean autonomous republic in it.

Ukraine is wished by the Black Sea and the sea of Azov. The Dnieper is the

country's blue thoroughfare. 95 % of the Ukrainian territory is flat. The geographical position is favourable to the development of its relations with countries of Europe. Ukraine is one of the founder-members of the United Nations and a member of many world organizations.

Along the beautiful banks of the Dnieper lies an ancient city of Kiev? the capital of Ukraine, its political, administrative, cultural and scientific centre. Kiev was founded 1500 years ago.

Today Kiev is the largest city of Ukraine. Its population is nearly 3 million people.

Kiev is the leading industrial centre of Ukraine. Tts main industries are machine-building, metal working and instrument making.

It is an important railway, waterway, airline and highway centre. It is a big centre of education, science and culture. There are many theatres, museums, libraries, cinemas in Kiev.

It is famous for its cathedrals, churches and Kiev Pechersky Monastery.

The city has 178 parks and public gardens.


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