
#Utterance stress in English, its phonetic nature and function. The relationship between utterance stress and word stress in English.

[ Назад ]
Utterance stress is the special prominence given to 1 or more words in an utterance. The means, with the help of which this prominence is achieved are variations of pitch, loudness, length and quality. Acoustically utterance stress is determined by variations of fundamental frequency, intensity, duration and formant structure.
Functions: 1. Constitutive - stresses form the utterance by integrating words; 2. Segmentative and delimitative - stresses segment the speech continuum into rhythmic units, intonation groups and utterances, and delimit them 1 from another; 3. Distinctive - differentiate utterances to their meaning, conditioning by the position and type of stress; 4. Identificatory - provide a basis for the hearer’s identification of the important parts and for his understanding of the content.
The accentual structure of an utterance is conditioned by the stress patterns of its words. Word stress and utterance stress are in close relation. Whenever utterance stress occurs it will normally fall on a syllable which also has word stress. The difference is that word stress is an essential part of word-shape, whereas utterance stress is a feature of an utterance.


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