
#The millennial generation.

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Today, in 21th century, the new Millennial Generation is shaping out. The MG seems to be self-confident and self-dependent. However the youth of the world put caring before job success, which is consoling after all. They see themselves as sensitive, sensible & responsible individuals. Is concerned with the environment, animal testing & healthy food. And when it comes to matters of crimes & drugs, they are more conservative than they have ever been. They are against legalization of light drugs, & less percentage is in favor of abolishing the death penalty. Nevertheless the youth are more liberal on adoption & don’t feel the necessity of explicit sex & violence on TV being outlawed. They are getting more individualistic, ambitious & tolerant, but don’t seem to care for politics. Either they have no political affiliations or lack faith in party politics. Holding such attitudes would be very frightening for young people. But we’ll do believe that still the MG is equipped with values of current importance & that our future is in safe hands.


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