
#.Pop music and youth.

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“POP” is short for ‘popular’ and there has always been popular music. And nowadays it is part and parcel of teenager’s life. Pop music is diverse and every youngster can express himself through it. Pop music plays a significant role in the formation of personality. With the appearance of rock & roll began the history of pop as a style of music for young people. Rock and roll came into existence in America in the 1950s.The most popular of its first big stars was Elvis Presley, who called himself “The King of Rock & Roll”. In the 1960s The most popular groups were the Rolling Stones that played hard and aggressive rock and roll and the Beatles or so-called “ The Flab Four”, which played a mixture of rock and pop. There also was “hippy rock” and many festivals were held. The biggest one, called “Woodstock”. In the 1970s the highlights of rock and pop are The Sex Pistols and Abba. Abba’s song’s were popular with people of different ages. At this time there were other superstars like Elton John, Rod Steward, the Queen etc.The most important musical event of the 1980s was “Live Aid” – a huge rock concert


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