
#Children and TV.

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As a matter of fact, children spend a lot of time watching TV. Television is even more pervasive in a child's world than school, so that is called the "first curriculum". TV's impact on children. First, watching TV over a long span seriously damages children's ability to think clearly. TV can never teach what a medium like a book can teach. Children who watch TV excessively find it difficult to analyze and express their ideas verbally. Besides, TV also has a disastrous impact on their health. Sitting hourly in one and the same pose provokes backache, headache. Moreover, it opens up all the society's secrets and taboos. However, First and foremost, parents shouldn't neglect their children, they shouldn't off- load their responsibility. I'm deeply convinced that children won't fall prey to the negative influence of TV if their parents listen to them, read to them. Used sensibly TV can expand knowledge and understanding of the world around us and provide great enjoyment as well.


Network | английский | архитектура эвм | астрономия | аудит | биология | вычислительная математика | география | Гражданское право | демография | дискретная математика | законодательство | история | квантовая физика | компиляторы | КСЕ - Концепция современного естествознания | культурология | линейная алгебра | литература | математическая статистика | математический анализ | Международный стандарт финансовой отчетности МСФО | менеджмент | метрология | механика | немецкий | неорганическая химия | ОБЖ | общая физика | операционные системы | оптимизация в сапр | органическая химия | педагогика | политология | правоведение | прочие дисциплины | психология (методы) | радиоэлектроника | религия | русский | сертификация | сопромат | социология | теория вероятностей | управление в технических системах | физкультура | философия | фотография | французский | школьная математика | экология | экономика | экономика (словарь) | язык Assembler | язык Basic, VB | язык Pascal | язык Си, Си++ |