
#The Open University.

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Since its founding in 1969, the university has opened up educational opportunities for millions students, has inspired and helped similar distance education institutions in many countries. The OU, originally referred to as the University of Air, from the outset was open to all, except the minimum age of 18. It is offered a second chance to thousands of people who had not had the opportunity to go on to higher education in the past. For them part-time study based at home opened a whole world of learning. The university says that women looking after a family at home have been the main beneficiaries of the OU’s openness. today a half of all OU students are woman and many use it as a part of a planned career break. The flexibility of OU study means that full time workers can retain or gain extra qualifications at the same time. Actually it offers not only degree courses, but it has a huge professional and vocational programme.


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