
#TV in GB

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It’s common knowledge that the public gets most of the information about events & current pace of life from mass-media. Television is the most significant form of broadcasting in Britain. he BBC is the matter of information services. It has the reputation for being accurate & impartial in news broadcasting. The basic principles of broadcasting that the BBC adheres R: independency, decency, unity, creativity, respect, objectivity, impartiality. The BBC depends neither on advertising nor on the government for its income. The BBC also runs 5 national radio stations. Today, the BBC World Service broadcasts around the globe in English and in several other languages. Both BBC1 and ITV show a wide variety of programmes. They R in constant competition with each other to attract the largest audience. They try to do the same type of programme better, but not broadcast a more popular one. This is known as the ratings war. BBC2 & Channel4 act as the main promoters of learning & culture. Channel5 is a commercial one. Its emphasis is on the entertainment.


Network | английский | архитектура эвм | астрономия | аудит | биология | вычислительная математика | география | Гражданское право | демография | дискретная математика | законодательство | история | квантовая физика | компиляторы | КСЕ - Концепция современного естествознания | культурология | линейная алгебра | литература | математическая статистика | математический анализ | Международный стандарт финансовой отчетности МСФО | менеджмент | метрология | механика | немецкий | неорганическая химия | ОБЖ | общая физика | операционные системы | оптимизация в сапр | органическая химия | педагогика | политология | правоведение | прочие дисциплины | психология (методы) | радиоэлектроника | религия | русский | сертификация | сопромат | социология | теория вероятностей | управление в технических системах | физкультура | философия | фотография | французский | школьная математика | экология | экономика | экономика (словарь) | язык Assembler | язык Basic, VB | язык Pascal | язык Си, Си++ |