
#The use of articles with place names.

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Universal rules:
o Plural proper nouns – def art (the Azores, The Pennines, the Great Lake)
o Of phrase- the Gulf of Mexico, the Tower of London)
• Names of continents, countries, states, villages, cities, towns – without articles (America, Belarus, Rome, Europe) BUT the Hague
BUT the African, The American etc.
• A union : the def art (the United Kingdom, the United States of America) Also the Netherlands, the Philippines
• Geographical regions – the def art (the Antarctic, the Arctic, the Crimea)
BUT political and administrative regions ( Crym)
• (of-phrase, restrictive attributive clause – the def art (This is the booming, rapidly expanding London of the 1860’s)
• Names of water features – the def art: oceans, seas, rivers, streams, channels, canals: the Pacific, the Black sea, the Gulf stream
• Lakes, bays, beaches, capes - no art: Lake, Bay, Loch Ness, Baikal. BUT: The Lake of Geneva, The Great Salt Lake
• Names of deserts – the def art(the Sahara)
• Individual mountain and islands – no art (Everest, Elbrus, Long Island). BUT: the Isle of Wight, the Balkal Peninsular
• Mountain ranges and groups of hills and islands – the def art ( the Canaries, the West Indes)
• Streets, roads, squares – no art (Abbey Road, Park Lane) BUT: the High Street, the Mall, the Strand
• Highways and motorways – the def art (the A1, the Oregon Trail)
• Hotels, restaurant, pubs, clubs – the def (the Cotton Club, the Ambassador Hotel) BUT: if the name and founder in the possessive – no art (Lloyds Bank, Harrods)
• Theatres, cinemas, museums, picture galleries, concert halls, libraries – the def (the Odeon, the Tretyakov Gallery)
• Two-word names whose first word is the name of a person or place and the second is common noun – no art:
o Public building(Buckingham Palace, Admiralty Arch) BUT: the White House, the Tower
o Schools, colleges, universities (Kent State University, Manchester Grammar School) BUT: the Ohio State University)
o Stations, airports (Victoria Station, Heathrow, Kennedy)
o Churches, cathedrals, abbeys (St Paul’s, Trinity Church)
o Bridges (London Bridge, Tower Bridge) BUT: the Brooklyn Bridge.
o Parks and zoos: Hyde Park, Regent’s Park


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