
#Verb complementation. Intransitive and transitive verbs

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Verb complementation
The predicate is a verbal component of a sentence or clause which expresses a state, an action or an event. May consist: simply of a verb/ verb followed by one or more complements.
Intransitive verbs denote actions and events which involve only one person or thing, the performer of the action. Cab be decided into 2 main classes:
pure intransitive, which are almost exclusively intransitive, such as appear, rise, fade, rain
Many pure intransitives express behavior which is typically involuntary, as blush, cough, faint, smile,scream
Verbs of position such as be, belong, hang, lie, live, remain, sit, stand, stay and verbs of movement such as come, flow, glide, go, plunge, run, travel, walk require a complement (an obligatory adverbial) denoting place, direction or time (I used to live here.)
2) Verbs used both transitively and intransitively
Some transitive verbs in very restricted contexts can be used intransitively. for example, when you are contrasting two actions: We gave, he took.
if you see a list of different verbs for emphasis or contrast: She had ceased to love as she once loved. or if the referent of the object is clearly understood: It is dangerous to drive if you have been drinking. Some verbs can be used transitively, followed by the object, or intransitively, without the original performer being mentioned: I opened the door and saw Laura. / Suddenly the door opened. These verbs are called ergative verbs. Many of them relate to certain areas of meaning. (cooking and food: bake, boil, cook, fry: The rice is cooking)
Monotransitive verbs describe events which in addition to the subject involve someone or something else. (Children seek independence.)Here is a list of some verbs which are monotransitive: achieve, create, favour, maintain, rent, address, damage, get…


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