
#The use of articles with personal names.

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• Individual representative – indef art (Remember you’re an Osborne)
• A certain person unknown to the hearer – the indefarticle(некий) (I’m spending the day with a Miss Warren). Sometimes “certain” precedes the personal noun.
• Name + adjective denoting the mood or unusual quality (I saw an infuriated Jack)
o Concrete objects (A Citroen)
o Someone having characteristics of the person named (If you are a Napoleon, you’ll play the game of power)
• The family as a whole (The Browns have lived apart since the war)
• To emphasize that the person is the very one that everybody knows(тотсамый) (I met Paul McCartney the other day. – Do you mean the Paul McCartney)
• When names have limiting modifiers (limiting of-phrase, restrictive relative attributive clause) – the def art (This was not the Simon he had known so long)
• Personal names preceded by a descriptive modifier indicating a permanent quality – either with the def or without art. (You can look at that wonderful photograph of the beautiful Monica Rollo)
• Name – without (Anthony shrugged his shoulders).
• Personal names preseded by nouns denoting titles, ranks or family relations – no articles (Lord Byron, aunt Polly, President Lincoln)
• Old, young, poor, dear, honest + name – without article (little Johnny).


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