
#Subject-verb agreement. Agreement with phrasal and homogeneous pronoun subjects.

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Agreement refers to the way the verb has a form appropriate to the number and person in subject.
1. Subjects expressed by quotations, names or titles – sg
2. Numeral expr of addition, subtraction, division – sg
Two and four is six. (when the verb is not to be, it is possible to use pl)
3. Expressions of quantity – agreement with the head word
Some of the children were bored.
4. Time, money, weight, distance, measurements, amounts, quantities +per cent – singular
When percent is used with an of-phrase – agreement with the head word
About 50 percent of the houses need repairs.
5. One – sg
More than one – sg
One or two… - pl
1. Two or more items joined by and or both…and – pl.
A yellow and a red car were damaged.
BUT: A yellow and red car was damaged.
2. Subjects are joined by or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also – proximity rule
Neither you nor I am right.
Neither I nor you are right.
3. When the subject follows the predicate: proximity rule
There is a table and some chairs.
There are some chairs and a table. As well as, as much as, rather than, more than – agrees with the item that comes first. My sister as well as my parents is a teacher.


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