
3 билет

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1. Tails.

Answer : in informal spoken English, tails are sometimes used at the end of a

sentence to emphasise or make clearer what we have just said. We often use them

when we give an evaluation of something:

It's a really good PHOto , THAT (tail) one

She's a JUDGE, my AUNT (tail)

Tails consist of a noun phrase. They usually have a rising tone because they are

referring to or expanding on something that has been said before.

Some tails consist of this, that, these or those or a phrase beginning with one

of these words. These tails usually emphasise what we are saying:

They're all we've got LEFT, THOSE two.

They taste GREAT, these BIScuits.

Other tails make clear who or what we are referring to:

He's good COOK, Nigel (Nigel is a good cook)

Match the sentence beginnings and the tails.

a. It's so boring, _1_

this cream.

b. I think it's gone off, _2_


c. I took them myself, _3_ the one

with the fur collar.

d. That's my coat, _4_ our


e. They're a bit unfriendly, _5_ most of

these photos.

Answer: a-2, b-1, c-5, d-3, e-4

2. Make the phonetic analysis of the following words:

Cheerful, conscientious, stubborn

Cheerful- ['tʃiәfl]- 8 letters, 2 syllables, 2 vowel sounds, 2 short vowels,

long vowel-no, 3 cons sounds, noise cons- voiced-no, 2 voiceless- f, tʃ,

1sonorants –l.

Conscientious- [,kϽnʃi'enʃәs] 13 letters, 3 syllables, 4 vowels, 4 short vowel

sounds, 6 cons, noise cons: 4 voiceless-k, ʃ, ʃ, s, voiced-no, 2 sonorants- n,n.

Stubborn- ['st^bәn]- 8 letters, 6 sounds, 2 syllables, 2 vowels, 2 short vowel

sounds, 4 cons. sounds, noise cons: 1voiced-b, 2 voiceless-s,t, 1 sonorants-n

3. Classification of consonants in the manner of articulation.

Acc to the manner of articulation cons. May be of four groups:

1. Occlusive

2. Constrictive

3. Occlussive-constrictive

4. Rolled

Noise consonants:

1. Occlusive noise cons: [p,t,b,d,k,g]

2. constrictive fricatives (noise cons): [f,v,Ө, δ, s, z., ʃ, ʒ, h]

3. Occlussive-constrictive (affricates): [tʃ, ʤ]


1. Occlusive:m,n,η

2. Constrictive: w,l,r,j


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