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1. Tones in questions 1.

When we ask a question, we might be trying to find out information that we don't

already know. Alternatively, we might ask a question in order to make sure that

information we think we know is in fact, correct.

Finding out questions usually end with a falling tone:

WHAT part of SPAIN were you in ?

HOW much ARE they ?

Because wh-questions are often used to find out information, they often although

not always, end with a falling tone

Making sure ques-s usually end with risisng or fall-rising tone.

Was BRIan there ? or was BRIan there ?

Because yes –no ques-s are often used to make sure, they often although not

always, end with a rising or fall-rising tone.

In making sure questions we can usually use a fall-rising tone or a rising tone

with little difference in meaning. However, a fall-rising tone often sounds more

polite than a rising tone. In particular, a fall-rising tone is often preferred

in questions asked for social reasons, that is mainly to be polite and friendly

rather than to check information.

Do you WANT to take your COAT off ?

Are you SURE you can MANage that ?

Decide whether the speaker is ‘finding out’ or ‘making sure’. Underline your


a. Were the police involved? Finding out/ making sure

b. Are you feeling okay now? Finding out/ making sure

c. Don’t we turn left here? Finding out/ making sure

d. Why didn’t you phone me earlier? Finding out/ making sure

e. How do you get the top off? Finding out/ making sure

Answer: a. making sure b. Finding out c. making sure d. Finding out e.

making sure

2. Make the phonetic analysis of the following words:

Nosebleed- Infection- Backpack-

3. Classification of labial consonants:

Answer: Labial consonants are made by the lips. They may be bilabial and labio-

dental. Bilabial cons. are produced when both lips are active. They are:


Labio-dental cons are articulated with the lower lip against the edge of the

upper teeth. [f,v]


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