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1. Tones in questions 2.


Questions are often used to make a comment or exclamation rather than to find

out or check information. An answer is not necessarily expected.

Negative yes-no questions are commonly used to show surprise, pleasure, etc,

particularly when we encourage others to agree with us. These usually have a

falling tone:

WASn't it TERrible ?

HAVen't been STUpid ?

In informal English we can also use positive yes-no questions, particularly to

express criticism. These often have a rising tone:

Wh-questions are also used to make comment, particularly ones with modal verbs.

These usually have a falling tone:

HOW was I supposed to know ?

WHAT's it to do with YOU ?

Sometimes we ask a question and suggest a possible answer ourselves before the

hearer replies. As the purpose of these possible answers is to make sure that

what we think we know is correct, they usually have a fall-rising tone

Where are you off to? The Supermarket ?

We can use questions to give instructions to give or make suggestions. These

usually a falling tone. And often include modal verbs:

Will you PLEASE leave it aLONE ?

Would you turn the LIGHT off ?

Do you think the questions in Bs responses are more likely to have a rising tone

(put ↑) or a falling tone (↓)?

a. A: I’ve just got a job in Alaska.- B: Are you serious?___

b. A: I don’t think any of these jackets will fit. B: How about this one?


c. A: Great weather we’re having. B: Isn’t it fantastic? _____

Answer: a. b. c.

2.Make the phonetic analysis of the following words:

Cardigan- Scruffy- Unbelievably-

3.Classification of lingual consonants:

Answer: Lingual consonants are classified into forelingual, mediolingula,


Forelingual cons are articulated with the tip or the blade of the tongue

Acc.to the place of obstruction forelingual cons:

Interdental [Ө, s,z,n,l]


Alveolar: t,d

Post alveolar: r

Palato alveolar : ʃ, ʒ, ʤ, tʃ

Mediolingual cons are produced with the front part of the tongue. They are

always palatal: j,η

Backlingual cons are also called velar, because they are produced with the back

part of the tongue raised towards soft palate: k,g


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