
7 билет

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1. Repeat questions.


We use some questions to get people to repeat all or part of what they have

said. We mmay want to check that we heard it correctly, or perhaps we found it

surprising. Because these questions are usually making sure they often have a

rising tone.

Some repeat questions consist of-

- A single wh-word

(who, what, where, when, why, how, which)

A: She used to work in Wollongong. B: WHERE ?

- A phrase beginning with a wh-word (e.g how many, what sort, what time)

A: I paid 200000 dollars for it. B: HOW much ?

- A longer question beginning with a wh-word (e.g When did you get there?)

A: It starts at midday. B: WHEN does it star ?

All these repeat ques-s have a rising tone starting on the wh-word.

When ques-s are used to find out, they have a falling tone. In these finding out

questions the falling tone starts after the wh-word.

A: I'll meet you at eight. B: WHAT time ? (making sure)

But: A: I'll meet you at the station . B: what TIME ? (finding out)

Choose a question to complete each conversation. (you won’t need them all)

How many? How much? What time was it? She’s doing what? Why was he there? When

do you need it? How old is it?

1. A: It only cost me fifty pounds. B: ______________

B: Fifty pounds.

2. A: I need it for Thursday. B: _____________________

B: Thursday.

3. A: It’s a couple of centuries old. B: ________________

A: About two hundred years.

Answer: 1. HOW much ? 2.WHEN do you need it ? 3. HOW old is it ?

2.Make the phonetic analysis of the following words:

Shoplifter- Pickpocket- Burglar-

3.Classification of vowels according to the stability of articulation

Stability of articulation. Vowels are grouped into 3 groups: Monophthongs,

diphthongs, diphthongoids.

Monophthongs are vowels the articulation of which is almost unchanging: [i,e, ᵆ,

a:, Ͻ, Ͻ:, u, ^, З:, Ә]

In the pronunciation of diphthongs the organs of speech glide from one vowel

position to another within one syllable:[ ei, ai, Ͻi, au, зu, iә, έә, uә]

In the pronunciation of diphthongoids the articulation is slightly changing but

the difference between the starting point and the end is not so distinct as it

is in the case of diphthongs. [i:, u:]


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